The author of these pages is Masahiro Sekiguchi, who wrote the initial version of the fe driver for FreeBSD 2.0.
In 2003-2004, he is still an active user of FreeBSD, but he is not an active developper any more. He is more interested in reconfigurable hardware, such as CPLDs, than OSs.
In late 1994, when he was working for Fujitsu as a software evaluation engineer, he started writing a FreeBSD device driver for FMV-180 series boards as a spare-time job. With approx. four months of experiment, he got a sufficiently-working version of the driver as well as an approval (from his manager) to distribute it as a free software. Since then, the fe driver has been in the FreeBSD CVS tree, and he has been working as one of major contributers to the fe driver, just for his own pleasure.
Although the author of this page wrote the initial version of the fe driver, current version is a sum of various contributers' efforts.
The author can be reached as < seki of > (where "of" should be replaced by "@".) He welcomes comments, suggestions or bug reports, on the web pages and/or his programs. He reads and writes Japanese and English.